

'Supernova' didn't actively offend me, but I did find it to be completely devoid of an engaging plot or interesting characters. While I could class it as technically sci-fi, it's an extremely bad example of the genre.
Little happens here to flesh out a larger world outside of the immediate surroundings, and the story itself is extremely derivative without even having any good twists or mysteries. The surprise that the guy was that woman's ex and not her ex's son was so unsurprising that I forgot that I wasn't meant to have already guessed it by the time the big reveal happened and everyone acted surprised.
The actual tech is either the usual stuff or possibly interesting but explained away so vaguely that it felt like they weren't even trying. Maybe there was a good sci-fi in here somewhere, but it was ruined by the lack of an engaging plot and the total blandness of every actor in the movie. I honestly couldn't tell most of them apart half the time.
Supernova: 7.9