

Sort of like 'Child's Play' but less funny. Equally shit though. 'Annabelle' is lazily connected to 'The Conjuring', but if you watched that and for some reason decided to watch all the related movies, don't bother - this is far worse, and doesn't even feature the two ghost busters from the original.
It centres around a doll that featured brielfy in the first movie, and then goes on an on about the doll, until you hate the doll. Not because it's scary, but because this sucks. The main characters are bland, and easily mistaken as secondary leads. Everyone is boring, the acting is poor to hammy, and the history is mixed in with the movie sloppily (which surprised me, as it was pulled off nicely in 'The Conjuring').
Not a whole lot else to say here, other than I think that the nice woman with teh dead daughter character should have been played by Whoopi Goldberg, because she's basically Guinan from 'Star Trek TNG'.
Annabelle: 23.5