

Steve Martin must have told a couple lies before being turned into a real boy. 'Roxanne' is a cheerful rom-com about a firefighter with a big nose who likes a blonde rocket scientist, but only expresses himself to her through the medium of an illiterate co-worker.
He's a nice guy, and everyone in their tiny village loves him (I think it should have been set in the Alps). Add to this somewhat super human powers, and the kind of excellent sense of humour that can only sprout from soils ripe with childhood traumas, and he's effectively your perfect guy. The nose thing has seriously damaged his self esteem, however, and most of the film is about him getting over this. 'Roxanne' handles these vaguely serious themes lightly and with humour though, and the viewer isn't invited to ponder on humanities' desire to shun irregularities, or our innate repulsive shallowness. Instead a bird perches on his nose, and then he uses it to locate a fire (I'm not sure a larger than average nose would improve the sense of smell though, unless the olfactory bulb was larger than average too - right? Not that it matters).
I don't judge the movie for skating over interesting themes in favour of a goofy rom-com plot, as it is Steve Martin after all, and he's acting his nose off as it is (at no time does the prop nose fall off). The script is very of its time, and some of the characterisations haven't aged particularly well, but it's funny and the supporting actors all do well. A nice comedy, and in my opinion a good romance, as it doesn't linger too long or fall into too many overt cliches (besides the obviously purposeful Shakespearean one).
Oh yeah, "Roxanne" is the woman's name, I think.
Roxanne: 46.4